
What We Do.


When we file your federal tax return, we make sure that we find every available tax deduction, which helps to ensure that you get the BIGGEST possible refund.


Need money in a HURRY!?  No problem.  You can borrow a portion of your expected refund, when you file your taxes with us.  You can leave our office with money in your pocket BEFORE your refund arrives!  We can get you your money via a printed check, debit card or direct deposited to your bank account.


Tax planning should be a very important part of your overall financial life.  Tax planning are steps taken to arrange your affairs in ways that will help defer and reduce your tax obligations.  Careful planning throughout the year can help you minimize the taxes you pay and possibly help to maximize your refund.


Do you need a home or car loan, need to get a credit card or need to get a better interest rate?  Call us now.

From student loans, credit card charge-offs, tax liens and bankruptcies, we can help get you piece of mind, by getting these items removed from your credit report.

We are registered with the State Attorney General office, as required by law and are in strict compliance with the Credit Repair Organizations Act, the federal law that governs the credit repair industry.


We can guarantee to getting your company business credit, in less than a year!  Even if you don't have a company established yet (We prefer this!).

EVEN IF YOUR PERSONAL CREDIT IS BAD, we can get you business credit!

We can get your company business credit, (regardless of your personal credit history), that's not dependent on your company's collateral or cash flow!  And this business credit, is NOT tied to your personal social security number.  

Do you have an idea, service or product that you know could be a success, but don't have the $$ to start your business?  Don't let this hold you back.  We can help!

Thousands of companies go out of business each year, the #1 reason this happens is because they can't get financing or credit for their business.  Don't let this be your business. We can help!